FAQ (IOS) by light_rock_zz

Version: 4.6 | Updated: 02/03/2025
FAQ of the Month Winner: January 2020 | Highest Rated Guide


Appendix D: Phoenix 2 Version History

Version History of the Phoenix 2 app since its birth

The text in the box indicates the official release notes, which may be paraphrased or expanded to better include the actual technical changes where possible. This text is similar to what you will see when checking out the version history on the App Store. However, you will not be able to see everything as release notes for old versions in the App Store eventually get phased out. The significant changes which affect gameplay, such as balancing changes or changes to game mechanics are highlighted in bold. Some undocumented changes which are not mentioned in the release notes are indicated outside of the box.

Version 7.2.3

Released on January 27, 2025

  • Fixed a crash.

Version 7.2.2

Released on January 26, 2025

Happy New Year pilots around the world! We wish you all great health and good fortune. The Chinese New Year celebrates the Year Of The Wood Snake and we added the following limited time player tag options for the occasion.

  • Backgrounds added:
  • Dividers added:

This update also brings several fixes and improvements, as well as these additions:

  • Demotions have been disabled. Pilots will no longer be demoted when they fail to complete a daily mission. (This is a server side change. Keeping an old version will not allow demotions.)
  • VIPs now receive double the XP earned.
  • Unlocking VIP awards a new VIP badge each time. This includes players who unlocked VIP in the past.

We have even more content updates coming soon, but in the mean time be sure to let us know what you think or if you have any questions.

  • Different Mission Difficulty Tiers now have a brief description.
  • Behind-the-scenes preparation for mouse and keyboard support for the upcoming PC version.
  • There are now glittering star effects for the Par Time beaten and Firi Games Time beaten badges in the mission selection screen.
  • Seasonal player tags are now separated from the normal player tags in the player tag customization screen.

Version 7.2.1

Released on December 17, 2024

Merry Christmas to all the pilots around the world! To celebrate we have added the following player tag options that will only be available during the holiday season. There are also some interface improvements and we are preparing some amazing updates for the new year!

  • Backgrounds added:
  • Dividers added:
  • Mission Intel icons are now shown in the main screen inside the mission banner of a mission.

  • In the Campaign Section in missions selection, the number of Par Time Beaten and Firi Games Time Beaten badges you have obtained are shown by the number of and icons obtained respectively.
  • The unselected missions now have their mission banners with black borders rather than translucent in the mission selection screen.
  • If the daily mission is a specialist mission, the specialist mission icon is shown in the mission selection screen.
  • The menu interfaces for larger size devices are no longer scaled, just like before the v7.0 update.
  • The background when viewing the leaderboards is now the static campaign background for the corresponding venue, instead of the dynamic background affected by gameplay.

Version 7.2

Released on December 6, 2024

Enjoy the improved main menu and the fresh new mission selection menu in this brand new update. The new Missions menu offers a gorgeous new way to check and select your next mission.

Among other changes Phoenix 2 will now notify you if a High Score fails to upload to the server and allow you to retry. Because of this, you are no longer able to play the game offline after a failed high score upload.

This update also includes several behind-the-scenes preparations for the upcoming release on PC. Don’t forget to wishlist Phoenix 2 on Steam and share it with your friends and rivals—so you can crush their scores!

The Quick Charge ability of Heechi Beta was improved to slightly increase its performance by reducing the angle of the Quantum Seekers with respect to the vertical, increasing the maximum speed of Quantum Seekers slightly, reducing the delay before the projectiles accelerate and increasing the firing rate to quadruple instead of triple previously.
  • The credits earned screen can be dismissed more quickly.

  • Underneath the ship name in the main screen, it no longer shows the apex selected (if applicable).

Version 7.1.2

Released on October 18, 2024

Happy Halloween pilots!

For those who want to celebrate this spooky event in style, we have added the following limited-time styles for your player tag! Customize your player tag to try the new options.

  • Backgrounds added:
  • Dividers added:

Version 7.1.1

Released on October 13, 2024

  • Small bug fixes.

Version 7.1

Released on October 12, 2024

This update contains numerous bug fixes and improvements, as well as fun new additions.

  • Fixed Marshal Liss' Phoenix Beta not flying away when retrying campaign mission 19.
  • Fixed delay in campaign mission 20.
  • Added new visual style for player tags.
  • Added option to show a large ship on your player tag.
  • Delta timer is shown for non-completed high scores, just like in pre-v7.0.

Version 7.0.4

Released on October 1, 2024

  • Crash fixes on specific Android hardware configurations.
  • Fixed an issue where the Mission Complete sound would get cut off halfway when playing on certain devices.

Version 7.0.3

Released on September 28, 2024

  • Fixed the bug (in v7.0.1) where Game Mode on iOS 18 would not activate.

Version 7.0.2

Released on September 24, 2024

  • Font colors for positive and negative delta times are returned back to red and white respectively, as per before the v7.0 update.

Version 7.0.1

Released on September 19, 2024

  • Small fixes in transmission texts for the campaign.
  • Fixed issue where the sound setting resets in campaign mode when players reach a new map/world. Eg Music was off, but turns on again when player reaches a new section in campaign. In the main screen, the setting indicates music is off, so it had to be toggled on and off again.
  • Fixed an issue where an already unlocked Phoenix would be shown as a reward after completing Campaign Mission #30. If you currently selected an apex of Phoenix, that apex would pop up as look like the reward (when you have already unlocked it). If you have Phoenix already unlocked, this reward screen would be now skipped. This was how the bug looked like:
  • Broke the activation of Game Mode on iOS 18 (Bug).

Version 7.0

Released on September 19, 2024

A massive content update has arrived! This update adds a whole new Campaign with story driven missions to explore space and to familiarize new players with the game.

New features:

  • An extensive new Campaign containing 30 custom missions has been added! The Campaign missions can be played alongside Daily Missions at their own pace and are an entirely new experience for Phoenix 2 pilots.
  • Custom player tags! Become a Phoenix 2 VIP and customize your entry on the leaderboards for everyone to see.
  • Adds game controller support! Phoenix 2 is now completely playable using a modern game pad. Check out how to use a controller here.
  • Support for Game Mode on iOS 18, for more responsive controller support.
  • Phoenix 2 is now fully playable on macOS when using a controller.
  • The in-game interface now shows wave progress and a new timer when speedrunning missions!

Other improvements:

  • Veterancy is now also shown on the Pilot screen for pilots older than 1 year.
  • Characters have updated new portrait images.

Bug fixes:

  • Many small fixes all around.
  • Fixed an issue where the ships/apexes in the Ships view screen would drift to one side when switching between apexes/base often.
  • No longer able to speed up the credits collection screen after a mission.
  • Font colors for positive and negative delta times are swapped, so positive delta times are white and negative delta times are red. This is unintended.
  • Phoenix Revives unlock at Pilot Level 20 instead of 10 now.
  • Delta times are no longer shown for missions that you have not cleared.
  • The menu interfaces for larger size devices are scaled the same size as smaller ones now.
  • Fixed the one pause menu glitch where if your finger is still on the screen when you pause and move, when you unpause, your ship will keep moving.
  • The old training missions #1 and #2 missions in Rookie rank (after the Prologue) are no longer available. They are replaced by Campaign Missions #1 - #7.
  • You can no longer skip Cadet and Ensign ranks to promote straight to Sergeant rank.

Version 6.3.11

Released on May 10, 2024

Fixes a crash when running iOS 12.

  • This was caused by an Ad SDK and using new swift libraries that are not available for iOS 12, which was only introduced in v6.3.10.
  • At some unknown point of time, the credit earnings for daily missions were temporarily increased to a maximum of ¢300 per mission. The credit distribution for ALL ranks is the same (except in the first two missions of bronze ranks where you will just simply miss out on credits for waves in Act 5), as shown below:
  • This was picked up by one of the Discord members, in which the devs quickly realized their mistake and fixed it on the same day, which was May 10, 2024. The credit rewards for daily missions is reverted to ¢10 per wave for all ranks. This is a serve side fix which did not require an update to the game itself.
  • On 25 May 2024, the servers started becoming very slow. Thankfully, this was fixed on 28 May 2024. The server slowdown was because the custom internet proxy that was employed (mainly to connect Chinese players past the Chinese firewall) to manage network traffic (meaning, your device trying to communicate with the servers to fetch your missions and upload your clear times, and all not) suddenly died after 7 years of operation. To fix this, traffic is now re-routed directly to the servers. (The internet proxy seems to be no longer needed, as Chinese players can login properly even without the internet proxy.)

Version 6.3.10

Released on May 7, 2024

A new update has been applied, increasing stability and fixing several issues. Other improvements include the following:

  • Adds a new Veterancy indicator for pilots that have been playing for more than 1 year on the leaderboards. You’re amazing!
  • Reduces screenshakes when Eagles , Vultures , Condors and Rocs explode.
    • According to the dev, the screenshake is now more of a short shuffle rather than a rumbling.
    • Unfortunately, the dev thinks that the screenshake in this update is too little and plans to increase it slightly in the next update.
  • Reduces screenshakes for Vuxine main weapon impacts.

A hidden feature which the dev calls a stalled purchase transaction was also added. This feature allows better reliability of purchases made in the Credits shop, such that if the credits could not be received after the transaction was made, a user could simply click the same purchase they made previously, which now shows "Resume", claiming the rightful credits the user is entitled to when the user bought them with real money.

  • This is due to the intricate payment procedures on the Android platform that can kill or pause Phoenix 2 in the background, which means the transaction needs to be finished at another time.
  • In iOS, the Phoenix 2 app should always be running even if minimized, but there are some cases where the transaction might not go through due to the need for parental approval for family purchases.

Version 6.3.9

Released on February 7, 2024

A new wave difficulty indicator has been added to mission intel. It shows which waves are the most challenging for pilots attempting the mission.

Daily Missions are updated. Existing Invaders and their turrets will be deployed in new ways to provide new experiences and more variation, get ready!

  • Very Sparrow dense waves are removed.
  • Heavier waves are introduced.
  • Most waves are heavier now, so AoE damage means are slightly less effective.
  • Waves with smaller Invaders in front and behind of a Vulture are re-introduced.
  • Eagles can now appear in front of Condors . 4 Ravens can still appear behind a Condor.
  • The Doomsday MIRV Invader weaponry is put out of commission for now.
  • The Doomsday Super MIRV weapon is introduced, first to the gold ranks (Colonel , Major & Commander ), and then to Marshal rank.
  • On May 2, 2024, the timer issue was fixed. The timer issue caused weird delta times to show up between waves and even during clear times. It was bizarre to the point where even if you never had a clear before, you would get a delta time after clearing.

Version 6.3.8

Released on February 4, 2024

This update adds Hindi support for Phoenix 2.

  • On 9 February 2024, or daily mission #2960, a new mission cycle is kicked into effect for all ranks.

Version 6.3.7

Released on January 20, 2024

Another cool update, Phoenix 2 now supports Thai and Indonesian!

Version 6.3.6

Released on January 7, 2024

An update with the following fixes has been applied:

  • Fixes highlighting in several dialogues by Operator Mian and your other friends.
  • Fixes Phalanx tutorial to always provide a Counter .

Version 6.3.5

Released on December 30, 2023

Another quick update.

  • Fixed a graphical issue that causes flickering. This includes the bloom effect from Proteus' Photon Detonator, Buhloo's Quantum Prisms, the ending screen after clearing a mission and actively firing Invader (normal) lasers .
  • Numerous small tweaks and fixes.
  • The first official Android version of Phoenix 2 was also released on December 30, 2023. The Android versions follow the same as the App Store version so there is no need for separate release notes.
  • Here's a video of how the first 10 minutes of gameplay roughly looks like with the newest Prologue and training missions:

Version 6.3.4

Released on December 20, 2023

Happy holidays and another update has arrived!

  • New fonts are used to improve look and feel of the interface. The font has been changed from San Francisco (which is owned by Apple and can only be used on Apple platforms) to Sofia Condensed/Wide.
  • Improved interface graphics can be found everywhere.
  • Fixes Marshal Liss community mission debriefing that previously said "space_head_v6_2_platinum_community_completed_debriefing_4" to "Success, 100% for your Community mission." Take a look at the bugged community mission debriefing before this version:
  • Numerous other fixes and improvements.

Version 6.3.3

Released on November 28, 2023

Another small update with numerous fixes and tweaks.

Version 6.3.2

Released on November 10, 2023

  • Fixes occasional crash after watching an ad.

  • Numerous fixes and improvements.

  • Fixed the visual bug in the leaderboards where every player is shown to be Level 0.
  • Fixed the visual bug where the progress for any player is shown as "Act 7, Wave 1" if the player has completed the community mission. This was how the bug looked like before this version:

Version 6.3.1

Released on November 7, 2023

Version 6.3

Released on November 6, 2023

A new update has been applied. Many changes were made under the hood that will support new features in the future.

A huge amount of interface improvements and fixes have been applied. We thank everybody for reporting issues they came across and providing feedback.

Version 6.2.3

Released on October 16, 2023

Another small update has arrived!

  • Special Offers are now correctly removed after purchase.
  • SSSS missions now show the correct mission badge.
  • Numerous small fixes and tweaks.

Version 6.2.2

Released on October 15, 2023

Another update with some more improvements:

  • Enables direct input when starting a new game.
  • Fixed issue where the Phalanx blocked more projectiles than intended.
  • Stages viewed from mission log now show correct progress.
  • Other small fixes and tweaks.

Version 6.2.1

Released on October 13, 2023

Here’s a small update with the first batch of bug fixes.

  • Removes 120fps toggle for devices that do not support 120fps.
  • Removes ‘select mission’ button from Mission Log mission details.
  • Fixes pilot name overlapping level in the top bar.
  • Fixes badge count on pilot screen.
  • Fixes a crash when viewing a recording while music is disabled.
  • Fixes various issues with sound and music toggles.
  • Numerous small fixes and tweaks.

Version 6.2

Released on October 13, 2023

This update has been long in the making, so here we go. The entire Phoenix 2 interface has been rebuilt from the ground up in our own game engine! All functions and features are generally the same and should be very familiar. One significant change is the removal of the navigation buttons at the bottom. You will now find these buttons on the main menu screen in their appropriate sections.

Using our own game engine allows us to use cool effects in the interface. More importantly, it will allow Phoenix 2 to be updated more easily with new features. Look for those in the near future. For this update, we have focused on the interface only.

  • Corsair's minigun / railgun stopped showing up after tapping on the Corsair card in the Ship Selection in this update due to the interface changes.

Specifically, there were some changes to how the particle system worked, which is responsible for 99% of visual effects created.

  • Particles emitted from parent emitters can be tagged as "unattached" to their parent emitter, which means the particle exhibits its own behaviour separate from the parent emitter.
    • An example is ship engines. "Attached" particles move along with the ship as it moves, while others (the "unattached" ones) simply stay in place and get left behind.
  • However, this also means that when the particle emitter is scaled upwards, the particles themselves are unaffected, and would thus stay the same size.
  • In order for ships to look correct on every screen, including the Play screen, all effects had to be scaled up/down correctly with the size of the ship in the menus.
  • By enforcing the scaling, it broke some effects that supposedly used "unattached" particles, but was actually "attached".
    • An example is the impact explosion of Krillou's Photon Bombs. The Photon Bombs emits visible shockwaves that move outward, and are supposed to drop multiple "unattached" smokes as it expands outward. However, when the new game engine update was first introduced, for some reason, the smokes became "attached" to the shockwaves so the effect looked very bad during testing stages. Since, as you could imagine, all the smoke aren't actually left behind like a smoke trail, and instead gathered together with the shockwave.
    • Fortunately, we never saw this bad effect as the devs did their due diligence to fix these effects before release.
  • Thus, the devs had to manually comb through the different effects to see if any of them were messed up by the game engine's update.

Version 6.1.6

Released on July 5, 2022

Fixes crash in App Clip

Version 6.1.5

Released on June 30, 2022

Fixes and improvements:

  • Many changes and improvements under the hood.
  • Fixes an issue with Warden weapon performance.
  • Laser MIRVs now have a distinct appearance, with T1 and T2 Laser MIRVs having the corresponding number of spikes on the MIRV to indicate how many laser lanes are spawned when triggered.

Version 6.1.4

Released on May 30, 2022

A small bugfix update for some rare crashes.

Version 6.1.3

Released on March 31, 2022

Some more bug fixes for the large 6.1 update:

  • Fixed issue where the pause button could become unresponsive.

  • Fixed issue where the game could slow down.

  • Pilot name changing now works as expected.

Version 6.1.2

Released on March 23, 2022

  • Fixes sound of Luna's main weapon .
  • Fixes crash when an audio interruption occurred during application startup.
  • Fixes related to score uploading.

Version 6.1.1

Released on March 17, 2022

Recordings should now work again as expected.

Version 6.1

Released on March 15, 2022

  • Flare engine upgrade with many internal changes.
  • Improves Clover ATS Charge Time Recovery from Very Slow to Slow.

Version 6.0.1

Released on December 26, 2021

Fixes login after playing certain missions.

Version 6.0

Released on December 23, 2021

Welcome to this big update for your favorite space shooter. Pilots now have access to three times the amount of daily missions every day! Combined with the choice from a total of 100 ships this offers an insane amount of content. Enjoy!

New features:

  • More daily missions! Pilots are now assigned three new missions every day. Each mission has a different difficulty level. Complete a single mission to avoid demotion, and complete all three for a promotion to the next rank.
  • Specialist Missions are now available for rank Colonel , Major , Commander and Marshal as one of the daily missions.
  • 4 new ships: Pandora, Monsoon, Warden and Disaris bring the total to a staggering 100 ships!

Gameplay Changes:

  • Reduces screenshake of Geist's Quantum Burst.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes an issue where watching an ad sometimes did not give the reward.
  • Revises the credit rewards structure as well, clearing any wave of any rank in a daily mission will give you a flat 10c. Community missions are not affected.

Version 5.6.1

Released on November 19, 2021

Fixed an issue with purchase transactions getting stuck.

Version 5.6

Released on November 3, 2021

Don’t forget to bring your Phoenix Revives on your next mission pilots! You read that correctly, this update reworks the Phoenix Revives along with several fixes and improvements.

New features:

  • You now choose how many Phoenix Revives to bring before your mission. The revives will trigger automatically when your ship is destroyed, so make them count! The new Phoenix Revives are unlocked for players of level 10. Pilots keep the amount of revives they previously had or would have accumulated. Previously, you can use an unlimited amount of revives on any run, until you run out of revives, of course.
  • Aura graphics have been redesigned to provide better visibility of the action.

Bug fixes:

  • Prevents the game from slowing down on older devices.

Version 5.5

Released on September 28, 2021

Hold on to your ship because this update will make it blast past those Invaders at a staggering 120FPS on your new iPhone 13 Pro! And there is more..

New features:

  • Phoenix 2 now runs by default at 120FPS on the new iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max. You can switch between modes on the main menu.

Gameplay Changes:

  • Clover ATS deals substantially more damage and takes a bit longer to recover.
  • Kibarrax main weapon now waits between shots when charging its Zen , changing from an uninterruptible burst type to an interruptible burst type.
  • Blast Damage no longer decreases as the main weapons for Havoc and Proteus are upgraded, maintaining the blast damage at 2 instead.
  • Clover ATS Apex Ability Shield Breaker now deals the correct amount of damage. Previously, the apex had no effect at all, so Invader shields still take normal damage from Clover ATS.
  • Slightly improves Esperon Crisis EMP Apex ability.
  • Increases Naya’s Trident Apex ability damage from 30 to 39.6 and tweaks its firing pattern.

Version 5.4

Released on May 5, 2021

The Warp Gate is active, a new update has arrived! Two new ships join the fight, both rocking the new Clover ATS Zen ability. Enjoy!

New features:

  • Introduces two new ships, Esperon and Naya.
  • Adds a new Zen Ability, the Clover ATS .

Gameplay Changes:

  • The pink 'speed' lasers and their targeting beams have a more distinct appearance, which has the blurry white heatwave on them now.
  • A visual indicator is shown on the ship when an increased charge timer of a Zen ability has reset to 0.

Version 5.3.2

Released on March 25, 2021

We are working hard on a new game, but a Phoenix 2 content update will be coming soon!

Don't forget to send your friends the Phoenix 2 App Clip URL for the quickest way to check the game out. Just send them the link firigames.com/phoenix2 and tap 'play' in the top banner.

This is a small update that removes the use of the advertising identifier. This might affect the number of ads you are able to see.

Here's how the app clip for Phoenix 2 looks like. In order to play it, you must have an iOS device which is iOS v14.0 or above, not have Phoenix 2 app loaded on your device, and be signed in to an Apple account.

Version 5.3.1

Released on October 23, 2020

A small bug fix update:

  • Muted sounds now stay off after the app has restarted.
  • Fixes several rare crashes.

Version 5.3

Released on September 24, 2020

Welcome to a new update for Phoenix 2. This update will add support for new features introduced in iOS 14, as well new content such as the new Mistral ship.

New features:

  • Introduces a new ship, the Mistral.
  • Invaders have added the menacing Doomsday MIRV turret to their arsenal, beware!
  • iPad Pro can now toggle between 60 FPS and 120 FPS .

Gameplay Changes:

  • Laser Storm Ultimate will now target Sparrows as well as turrets first.
  • Increases Mega Laser Apex ability Double Shot damage from 170 to 200.
  • Reduces Yoth-Hola Apex ability Laser Expansion cooldown from 8 to 5 seconds.
  • Increases Mega Bomb Apex ability Fast Charge recovery from ‘Average’ to ‘Fast’.

Bug fixes:

  • Various game engine improvements, especially related to sound .

Version 5.2.3

Released on June 13, 2020

  • Fixes some subtle crashes
  • Optimizes app install & download size

Version 5.2.2

Released on June 4, 2020

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes an issue where ships on the leaderboards would not show correctly.

Version 5.2.1

Released on June 4, 2020

Bug fixes:

  • Targets stunned by Ion Cannon now have their movement speed reduced.
  • Fixes an issue where Blast Damage bypassed armor damage reduction. Blast Damage now deals reduced damage to Armored Invaders like normal Auras and Zens . (This issue was discovered due to the Goliath Missile Tungsten Warhead apex, where didn't do much.)

Version 5.2

Released on May 28, 2020

Welcome to another update of Phoenix 2. This update features new ships and some balance changes.

New features:

  • Three new ships join the fight, be on the lookout for the Jeria, Centurion and Stinger.
  • New Apex abilities for Personal Shield and Goliath Missile . These are the Tungsten Warhead (For Goliath Missile) and Shield Booster (For Personal Shield)

Gameplay Changes:

  • Focus Lance damage increased.
  • Goliath Missile impact and blast damage increased.
  • Ion Cannon was redesigned to give it more versatile gameplay. Ion Cannon projectiles now stun all turrets in their blast radius. Turrets out of range will not be stunned, even if that particular Invader was hit. This makes Ion Cannon better against groups of small Invaders, while taking a bit more skill to completely stun a large Invader.
  • Neni’s main weapon firing rate is increased.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes specific crashes in Mega Bomb tutorial and the Mission Log.

Version 5.1.5

Released on March 21, 2020

A few small bug fixes and enables 120 FPS on the new iPads.

Version 5.1.4

Released on March 13, 2020

Fixes a bug that would cause the game to crash when the specialist mission is viewed without having any of the specialist ships unlocked.

Version 5.1.3

Released on March 13, 2020

This update adds a toggle for leaderboards to only shows scores from pilots that used the same ship as you did. The update also contains a few minor bug fixes.

Version 5.1.2

Released on February 25, 2020

A few bug fixes in preparation for new waves of Invaders, armed with some new weapons.

  • On 26 February 2020, the new wave formation took into effect for daily missions. The new wave formation reverts the Invader formations to close to pre-v5.0 layouts, but some evidence of light waves, particularly Sparrow infested waves continue to be in the new layouts. Heavier waves continue to appear, but the difference between such heavier waves and lighter waves are now much more subtle. 5-4 continues to be known as the penultimate wave for most ranks that is now only slightly heavier than other waves in Act 5. Condors can continue to appear in Act 4.
  • On 27 February 2020, new weapon styles were introduced. Similar to the Shuriken (Patterned) Launchers, Pellet (Condensed) Launchers and Spinners were introduced. They function identically to the ones you find in the prologue missions, but now with some higher tier ones that were not seen in these missions.

Version 5.1.1

Released on February 12, 2020

Version 5.1

Released on February 11, 2020

Incoming Transmission: Welcome to the new year and enjoy this epic new update. This update contains mostly features for new players, but tapping to speed up animations should appeal to everyone.

New features:

  • Incoming transmissions: Various characters will now call in to inform you about your progress. For the best experience, play again from the beginning to get the proper introductions. Do save your progress first by creating a Firi account !
  • You can now tap on the screen to speed up the animations. This works on the score screen, during dialogs and on mission briefings and debriefings. Refer below for how painful it was to clear mission debriefings in v5.0.
  • New prologue & new training missions for new players. The new training missions will show up once the update has been rolled out.

  • Primary ability tutorials now take place during missions.
  • Impacts on Barrier now make a sound.

Bug fixes:

  • This should fix some issues with ads that cannot be dismissed. Please let us know if you are still experiencing problems after this update.
  • The Doomsday Bomb warning area is more visible now.
  • Trivia: This is how slow the v5.0 mission debriefings could linger around even as one taps rapidly:
  • And this is a new "hack" that can be employed to speed up debriefings even more in v5.1, if you have not cleared your mission debriefings for many missions in the past. It involves force closing the app between mission debriefings to skip quite a couple of them.

Version 5.0.6

Released on October 5, 2019

  • Fixes issue where aiming weapons could target bullets from Caged MIRVs
  • Improves visibility of Doomsday Laser warning area
  • iOS 13 compatibility improvements

Version 5.0.5

Released on September 18, 2019

Adds support for iOS 13
  • The icon tabs at the bottom of the screen have been darkened slightly.
  • On October 3, 2019, Caged MIRVs were first introduced.
  • Unfortunately, it caused a major bug which caused all auto aiming and instant tracking weapons to malfunction and target the pellets released by Caged MIRVs. Thankfully, the bug only lasted for a single mission. However, the bug does look cool on a few ships, an example shown below:

Version 5.0.4

Released on August 30, 2019

Small tweaks and a notifications reminder to the Warp Gate .

Version 5.0.3

Released on August 23, 2019

  • Small tweaks and fixes.
  • Mirage's Nightfury now beamfights Doomsday Lasers . However, as Nightfury lasts much shorter than Doomsday Lasers, you will still die if you do not move out of the way quickly. No damage is done to the Invaders once the Nightfury contacts the Doomsday Lasers.
  • The left GIF shows the showdown between the Doomsday Laser and the Nightfury before this update, while the right GIF shows the epic face-off between the Doomsday Laser and the Nightfury after this update.

Version 5.0.2

Released on August 15, 2019

  • Special ability tutorials are now triggered during missions on first play.
  • Small tweaks and fixes.

Version 5.0.1

Released on August 3, 2019

New features:

  • A third soundtrack has been added, called Anthem to the Stars. Toggle the Music icon to switch tracks.
  • Banshee Sigma and Starless Epsilon are now available for purchase

Various tweaks and fixes were applied.

  • On August 6, 2019, the new redesigned mission generator for daily missions kicked into effect. The new mission generator makes waves unbalanced, with some waves having significantly more Invaders than others. The old mission generator for daily missions is retained in specialist missions.
  • The Doomsday Laser and Doomsday Bomb were also introduced at the same time. It was initially thought that only Marshal rank missions would have these Doomsday Weapons since there were no Doomsday Weapons for all leagues in the ranks up to Commander (the rank just below Marshal). It so happened that Doomsday Weapon first appeared in the first Marshal S league mission that was available for players to play (if you cleared the daily mission everyday, including on the day v5.0 was released where you could attempt both the old S4 league daily mission and the newer Colonel D daily mission).

Version 5.0

Released on July 25, 2019

Welcome to the epic third anniversary update of Phoenix II. Time flies faster than a ship through the Warp Gate! Thank you for staying around with us all this time. This update features a lot of improvements, mostly with beginning players in mind, so be sure to tell all your friends about Phoenix II.

New features:

  • The existing leagues have been replaced with a more extensive Rank system. Each Rank consists of 4 different leagues from D - A that need to be completed before promoting to the next Rank. This new Rank system with many more different daily missions gives beginning players a more gradual ramp in difficulty.
  • Invaders have a variety of new weapons at their disposal. These are the Doomsday Bomb and the Doomsday Laser. Expect new bullet patterns and watch out for the entirely new Doomsday class turrets. (This did not effect until some time after v5.0.1 was released, see the above unofficial release history notes)
  • A total of 10 new ships are available for players to collect. Some of these ships have the new Goliath Missile and/or Focus Lance .
  • New ships can now only be unlocked through the Warp Gate . The selection of 3 available ships rotates every 6 hours.
  • Mission Intel now provides some key information about each mission beforehand. The Mission Intel appears every time you login into an account, or when the mission is reset. The mission intel is also shown when you tap on the mission itself to bring up the leaderboards.
  • A completely redesigned mission generator. Invaders will appear in new formations and configurations. (This did not effect until some time after v5.0.1 was released, see the above unofficial release history notes)

Other improvements:

  • Redesigned score screen. The score screen pops up after you have ended your run, which has a completely new interface. The credits reward screen is shown after this new score screen if you have advanced any further in waves. There is no more Retry button, after the score screen (and the credits reward screen, if applicable), you will be returned straight to the Play tab.
  • Mission debriefings are now only presented when you tap on the Pilot tab.

Gameplay Changes:

  • Missile Swarm Ion Warheads Apex now stun turrets near the impact area of the missile, and not the entire ship anymore. This, in particular, only significantly affects Ex04239 Sigma, which was considered overpowered ever since v4.0 was released, with the apex dominating leaderboards, even for Shielded Missions (when Ex04239 is an Armor Piercing ship).
  • After finishing the Training Mission, you will now be placed in a rank + league based on your performance, instead of being placed by default in D league. The highest you can go is Ace rank, D league.
  • The number of apex forms you own and your most used ship are now shown in the Pilot tab.
  • Slightly different highlighting of the missions in the Play tab.
  • Recordings now do not pop up in the score screen. They appear at the top right corner of the screen at the Play tab after you have ended the run, and will persist even after you minimize and re-open the Phoenix 2 app. It will only get deleted after you log out of the account or force close the app.
  • In the Play Tab, the Inspect button is no longer there. It is now just one long button that either upgrades a specific portion of the ship, or allows you to take a look at the apex forms (which simply brings you to the ship screen itself).
  • The New button on the Warp Gate and Ships tab is replaced with a red dot. The same red dot is used on the Pilot tab if there is a mission debriefing.
  • The badges menu in the Pilot tab no longer separates the badges by category, everything is shown together.
  • Underneath Mission Log, the text "Tap a mission for details" is now shown.
  • Tapping on a mission to bring up the leaderboards no longer show the score and the wave you are stuck on (or a tick if you completed the mission) at the top. There is also no indication of any promotion or demotion.
  • The rank + league shown at the top of the screen updates to the rank + league that you will be in for tomorrow's daily mission if you cleared the daily mission. It is likely a bug that will be fixed.
  • Locked ships in the Ships tab no longer show any main weapon/Aura/Zen details, and only shows a silhouette of the ship. Take note that even if the locked ship is available in the Warp Gate , you will not be able to tap on that locked ship in the Ships tab, and it must be accessed through the Warp Gate.
  • Previewing a locked ship through the Warp Gate now allows you to try out and control the ship yourself. You will get a main weapon at level 3 to play with, but without the ship's Aura or Zen , which you will use to play a single Act of 4 waves against unprotected Invaders that will shoot some pellets and darts.
  • A new prologue mission has been introduced to replace the old one. The new prologue mission is as shown below:
  • New training missions are also introduced:

Version 4.5.3

Released on May 25, 2019

Version 4.5.2

Released on May 24, 2019

Another small update that should improve robustness when displaying ads and reduce ad-related crashes. These problems are really hard to test and reproduce so please contact us at our support email if you still experience any issues when viewing ads.

  • A New badge icon is now also shown on the mission panels on the Play tab for missions which are considered to be not attempted.
  • The animation for the Supply Drop after watching ads or buying credit packs is now a bit faster.

Version 4.5.1

Released on May 15, 2019

  • Fixes the new Phalanx bug introduced in v4.5 where Phalanx gets mysteriously weakened after being deployed.
  • The game no longer becomes stuck when retrying a completed mission
  • Fixes an Audio looping issue
  • Fixes a UI graphic element
  • Fixes a crash related to viewing ads
  • Adds a button to cancel viewing an ad when they do not show up

Version 4.5

Released on May 11, 2019

Another big update with even more love for the Warp Gate, tons of interface improvements, new content, tweaks, fixes and more to come soon!

New features:

  • The Warp Gate now has its own tab. Delivery of credits and revives from the store (either when watching ads or buying store packs) are now also handled by the Warp Gate.
  • The Play tab now has a simple to use quick-upgrade button that will upgrade your current ship without having to go to the ship details.
  • Approaching the edge of the playable area is now indicated. The new grey dotted line starts to fade into existence the closer you approach the edge of the playable area.
  • Leveling up no longer requires a tap on the top bar. A new level up screen is presented automatically on level up.
  • Receiving credits from playing missions is presented in a new rewards screen.
  • You will soon be sent on missions to fight Invaders on the new world of Dovacoon Forge!

Bug fixes:

  • Bullets will no longer incorrectly pass through an active Phalanx when flying at high speeds.
  • Reviving into a dense bullet field no longer gives grazing energy.
  • Tweaks Qhelqod's projectiles to prevent them from passing past turrets they should hit.
  • Buying revives from the store now has a confirmation pop-up, to prevent mistaps.
  • The apex ability is shown on the corresponding stat the apex affects in the Play tab screen
  • Phalanx now has a new sound effect for each collision with a bullet. No sound effects when lasers are fired upon it.
  • The Warp Gate has a new Phase In and Out animation for the item delivered to you.
  • Because the Store and the Warp Gate are in the same tab, you no longer need to buy an upgrade/ship to access the first tab (before this update, if you did not do so, the first tab is locked until you buy an upgrade/ship).
  • Custom Teleport charged visual effect for Extended Clearance Apexes to indicate its increased range.
  • X-81 Beta Apex improvement: One of the missiles now accelerates 50ms before the other one of the pair does, avoiding scenarios where both missiles hit the same target at the same time, also giving a bit more time for the second missile to re-target.
  • Adds the new badge “Ogon Is Fine” . Get this badge by clearing an S4 Daily Mission with Ogon (upgrade level and with or without apex does not matter) and have that score stay on the leaderboard for the entire mission.
  • Even though Dovacoon Forge was introduced in this update, the new daily mission cycle which includes Dovacoon Forge was not kicked into effect until Daily Mission #1234 which started the new cycle at Arcology CQ-6 Armor Shuriken/MIRV, which occurred on 18 May 2019.
  • Phalanx now has a new bug: It appears to clear out bullets from a row for no apparent reason. This causes Phalanx to be either severely weakened or completely destroyed even when you just deployed it. This bug is as shown below in the video. It also applies for Hunter, where using Teleport and then only deploying Phalanx after mysteriously eliminates bullets from the departure to arrival location of the Teleport. This bug also severely undermined the buff provided by Double Phalanx apexes.

Version 4.4.1

Released on April 19, 2019

A small bug fix update. Stay tuned for our next big update soon!

  • Fixes issue where the next mission would not be correctly selected after completing a training mission.
  • Lasers no longer create more than one reflection when using multiple special abilities with laser reflect at the same time. Specifically, this only affects Gorthaur Beta, as using Reflective Barrier and deploying Personal Shield at the same time will cause each laser to deal double the original reflect damage.
  • Fixes issue where logging in with your Firi account on another device could cause a session error on a device where you are already logged in.
  • The 2 training missions are completely changed. The mission setting of both missions are still the same, but both missions now contain 4 Acts instead of 2 and 3 previously. This also means you have more credits to begin with before you start attempting the daily missions, since both missions now give you ¢210 instead of ¢75 and ¢135 only. Lasers are now introduced in training mission #2. See the new training missions in action below:

Version 4.4

Released on March 14, 2019

Various tweaks and fixes were applied.

New features:

  • Enjoy your ships in all their glory when checking ship details. Selecting a ship in the ship selection screen brings you to a new screen instead of simply being a pop-up which shows the ships in huge resolution in the background. You can also toggle the detail overlay off to admire the ship and any apexes you may have for that ship.
  • Locked ships no longer have any details about their main weapon , Aura or Zen shown, and tapping on them will still bring up the old pop-up.
  • The prologue from v4.3 is changed once again, making all waves back to symmetrical, and introducing some new interesting turrets, such as a T0 pellet spinner, non-tracking T3 dart spread turret and a non-tracking T1 Laser turret.
  • The next training mission can now be immediately initiated after the completion of the 1st one by tapping “Next”.
  • The Firi Account icon on the top right of the Play tab is changed to a cog icon.
  • See the v4.4 prologue and other changes in the following video link:

Version 4.3

Released on February 22, 2019

A new year, another new update! This update brings improvements to your favorite gate, the Warp Gate . #praisethewarpgate

New features:

  • The Warp Gate has been re-calibrated and is now also capable of delivering an upgrade for a ship you already own or a Supply Drop. A Supply Drop is simply a replacement of the duplicate ship rewards before this update. However, the Supply Drop also gives 2 revives in addition to the corresponding credits.

Other changes:

  • The Mission Log list now shows the ships you used in your missions.
  • The minimum iOS version required is now iOS 11. All devices capable of running Phoenix II can be updated to iOS 11 or later.
  • Better chances to get something better in the Warp Gate . Bear in mind that because there is also upgrades, but it seems to be of general consensus that the warp gate is giving higher chances of rares, super rares and apexes.
  • Changes to the prologue. You can see the v4.3 prologue here:

  • The UI guidances during the prologue and the training missions are no longer compulsory to follow and only flash for a brief moment before sliding out of view.

Version 4.2

Released on December 20, 2018

Welcome to our holiday update! First off are two new ships, which brings the total to 80 ships, doubling the amount since launch. The second big feature is the Mission Log, which shows the results of all missions you have ever played, all the way back to the launch of the game! And yes, all historical leaderboards you participated in can be viewed as well.

We wish you all happy holidays and are looking forward to another year of great Phoenix 2 updates with you. <3<3<3

New features:

  • 2 new ships join the fight, Nimbus and Widget.
  • A Mission Log has appeared on the Pilot tab. View the mission results and leaderboards of every mission you have ever played.
  • Tutorials for each ship’s Aura and Zen (if Zen is unlocked). These are also available for replay on the ship detail page. Access them by tapping the i info icon in the ship's pop-up details.

Other changes:

  • Completely eliminated the screenshake of Atlas and Arietis weapon impacts.
  • Fusion Core explosion expands faster.
  • Sentinel Apex has increased firing rate.

Bug fixes:

  • Bullet Detonator Apex now has MIRV Defense enabled.

Version 4.1

Released on November 14, 2018

A big update with a little bit of everything! Support for the new iPads, a new ship, fixes, improvements and account support features!

New features:

  • Support for 120 FPS and Wide Color on the new iPad Pros!
  • A new ship arrived, the Qhelqod!
  • Forgot the password of your Firi account ? You can now request a sign-in link via email.
  • Increased detail and resolution of the first 40 ships.

Bug fixes:

  • Sonah Firestorm Spec B Apex now correctly targets active invader turrets. As a result the missile pods are fixed in position for this Apex form.
  • Oran's Meson Controller Apex is even more efficient. The Meson Lasers now quickly retarget another target point after the invader it targeted has been destroyed.

Version 4.0.3

Released on October 12, 2018

This update fixes a crash introduced in the previous update.

  • The bug where sound breaks after receiving a call or similar interruption such as watching ads is always present again, rather than sometimes happening and sometimes not.

Version 4.0.2

Released on October 9, 2018

Another small bug fix update with improved support for new devices.

Bug fixes:

  • Enables haptic feedback for new devices.
  • Extended Range Mega Bomb Apex now has a Fusion Core .
  • Ion Cannon projectiles do not stun all overlapping Invaders anymore. This bug was initially introduced in the v4.0 update.
  • Sound should no longer break after receiving a call or a similar interruption.

Version 4.0.1

Released on August 28, 2018

All of the content from our massive anniversary update has been localized to all languages that Phoenix II supports.

Balance changes:

  • Slightly increases passive attraction power for Antigrav Apex.
  • Tactical Super Moons now prefer targets in front of the player.
  • Slightly increases damage of Corsair’s Railgun Apex.
  • Adds a visual and audio cue when Serenity Apex is charged.
  • Teleport charge time is not increased after using the second teleport of a Double Teleport Apex.
  • Adds Fusion Core to Shield Breaker Mega Bomb Apex which deals regular damage.
  • Slightly increases Yoth-Hola Laser Expansion Apex DPS and firing rate.

Other changes:

  • Revised some Apex descriptions.
  • Fixes a few iOS 12 issues.
  • Fixed the (specialist) Best of Best badge not showing up on pilot tab. This fix was done on the server side on 29 August 2018.
  • The rotation was "fixed" on 31 August 2018, which brought an end to the old 6-day cycle which unintentionally broke during the v3.1 update, and was changed to as follows (with the first entry of the list starting on 31 August itself):
      1. Zhey Auna : Laser
      2. Arcology CQ-6 : Shuriken/MIRV
      3. Prometheus Array : General
      4. Blight, Sector [3,84] : General
      5. Ceres Major : Shuriken/MIRV
      6. Gau Prime : General
      7. Zhey Auna : Shuriken/MIRV
      8. Arcology CQ-6 : Laser
      9. Prometheus Array : Laser
      10. Ceres Major : General
      11. Blight, Sector [3,84] : General
      12. Gau Prime : Laser

Version 4.0

Released on August 2, 2018

Phoenix II was released 2 years ago so it is time to celebrate! This massive anniversary update introduces the amazing new Apex forms and a new mission type for everyone to enjoy! Thank you all for playing our game and sharing your greatest moments. Year 3, here we come!

New features:

  • Introducing Apex forms . Each ship gets two exclusive Apex forms. Each Apex form has a unique new look and a modified weapon or ability to push the performance of your favourite ship even further!
  • The new Specialist mission is now available. This mission can only be played with a specific set of ships, which is different every time. Each specialist mission span over the 5 weekdays or 2 weekends. The mission during weekdays can be played with multiple ships from the selection of that week, while the Specialist mission in the weekend can only be played with a single specific ship.

Bug fixes:

  • Point Defense now correctly targets the closest projectile first when firing.
  • Fixes the bug where the sorting is still active but shows the ships out of order when upgrading a ship.

Version 3.6

Released on July 11, 2018

Another packed update with something for new players and veterans alike to enjoy. Next up is our massive update to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Phoenix 2!

New features:

  • The mission selection process has been revamped. Missions are selected from the Play tab now and straight up show the completion progress as well as the time remaining on the mission. The mission selection was originally in the Missions tab which has now been removed.
  • The ship selection tab now has sorting options to find your favorite ships more easily. At the top right corner of the ship selection screen, the heart icon sorts your ships by flight count in descending order, while the other 2 icons filter out the rest of the ships by Aura and Zen after the filtered selection (you can still select the filtered out ships as per normal).
  • Two new ships enter the roster, Marauder and Lyova!
  • Sound engine improvements for better sounding projectile impacts. Especially noticeable for rapid firing weapons.
  • New players will get two training missions to get familiar with the game before joining the battle in the daily missions. These training missions have fixed Invader compositions.

Other changes:

  • Phalanx now changes color as it becomes weaker. It changes from pink to red.
  • Trinity Teleport effect is now green.

Balance changes:

  • Increased Ion Cannon Ultimate upgrade's blast damage from 5 to 10. This now made ships with Ion Cannon somewhat viable for S4 Daily missions.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed ships dealing High Impact damage in the preview, even when they have a different weapon damage type.

Version 3.5

Released on May 15, 2018

The Phoenix II spring update is here! This update features new content, balancing, as well a slew of bug fixes. Stay tuned for exciting things while we move closer to the 2nd anniversary of Phoenix 2!

New features:

  • The Mirage has arrived! One of the most popular ships from Phoenix HD returns, equipped with its epic Nightfury laser!
  • Sound effects are added to the interface.

Balance changes:

  • Missiles fired by the Missile Swarm Advanced Targeting Ultimate now only reacquire targets that were originally locked when the Missile Swarm was fired.
  • Laser Moons MKII will fire on active turrets first, before considering other targets.
  • Increases the weapon damage of X-81 and Oran from 21.25 to 25.
  • Increases the weapon damage of NC-271 from 34.375 to 37.5 and slightly increases the bullet spread.
  • Brings Mega Laser charge time increase and charge time recovery more in line with Mega Bomb , from Very Fast to Average. This brought an end to the Horsemen era, the time when Cinnri, Photurius and Razor VI took complete dominance over the leaderboards.
  • Reduces Stun EMP maximum stun duration from 5s to 3s. This brought an end to the Horsemen era, massively reducing the abuse of the ships Cinnri and Photurius.

Bug fixes:

  • Blast Damage of projectiles is no longer limited to a maximum of 8 targets. This mainly affects Aurora, giving it a buff after being nerfed in v3.0.
  • Fixes issue where the select mission button was pushed offscreen because of a long world name on iPhone 5S and SE.
  • The Inner Lining of a Barrier now always collapses when the outer barrier collapses. This didn’t always happen under certain circumstances.
  • Fixes a problem where under certain circumstances the time slowdown effect of firing an EMP would last longer than intended.
  • Muting sounds now works as expected again in iOS 11.3.
  • Fixes issue where loading more scores in a leaderboard could display scores of the wrong rank.
  • Fixes issue where the mission debriefing contents can sometimes be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
  • Fixes Japanese localization where Chinese text was shown instead.
  • Fixed a bug where using Teleport after deploying Phalanx will misplace the Phalanx slightly to one side as shown below on the left. (Hunter specific)
  • Fixed the visual bug where the lock-on for the Tracking Minigun may be misplaced, as shown below on the right.

Version 3.4.1

Released on March 1, 2018

Welcome to our second update of the year. This update adds greatly improved game recordings, a new world and new ships!

New features:

  • Greatly improved game recordings! You can now enable automatic game recordings from the play tab. Once enabled, all your games are automatically recorded, so that awesome high score run is always saved. The quality of the recordings is also dramatically improved. So go make those awesome recordings and share them through your favorite social media. These new game recordings require iOS 11.2.1 and a device with an A9 processor or better.
  • A new world. The struggle against the Invaders expands to Blight, Sector[3,84], a system of planets broken during the conflict. Missions will soon visit this new area.
  • Polaris and Icarus join the roster of available ships.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes small UI issues.
  • Fixes colors of some background elements in Arcology CQ-6

Version 3.3

Released on March 1, 2018

Welcome to a new year of Phoenix II updates! We have a lot of great updates planned this year. This update brings a slew of fixes as well as adding two new ships and the ability to inspect scores on the leaderboards. Thanks for your support and enjoy the update.

New Features:

  • Leaderboard score information is now available. Tap on any score in a leaderboard to see details about the score, the ship that was used and the pilot.
  • Redesigned Pilot tab to show your badges better.
  • Two new ships! Lorilou and AB8/Klyn have joined the roster to fight the Invaders in their own unique ways.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes a variety of issues related to sounds .

Other Changes:

  • Completely eliminates the screenshake of the main weapons of Lokie and Barret.
  • Player ships can no longer collide with turrets that have been destroyed.
  • Fixes the level up arrow not disappearing after collecting the level up reward.
  • Fixes the Ship Name bug where the ship name is not shown in its window but instead embedded in the Ship Select button, as shown below:

Version 3.2

Released on December 21, 2017

New features:

  • Two new ships! NC-271 and Predator have joined the roster to fight the Invaders.
  • Invaders now have MIRV Bloomers in their arsenal. These Bloomers now replace many of the pellet spinners on Vultures seen on armor bullet hell missions. These will start to show up in a few days.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes an issue where Mega Laser would destroy newly spawned bullets that were not in its path.
  • Fixes an issue that caused an Ultimate Personal Shield to not reflect lasers back to the invaders under certain circumstances.

Other changes:

  • Fixed the issue where Corsair's icon had a misplaced minigun.

Version 3.1.1

Released on November 11, 2017

A small bug fix update:

  • Fixes issue where input on the bottom area of the screen could be unresponsive. This was especially noticeable on iPhone X.
  • Small UI fixes for iPhone X.

Visual Changes:

  • Point Defence now only shows lock-on reticles on projectiles that are currently targeted, instead of on all projectiles in range. Gameplay is unaffected.

Stay tuned for our next content update coming soon!

  • The Phalanx ultimate upgrade icon was tweaked.
  • 2 new mission types have been added to the daily mission cycle.

Version 3.1

Released on November 1, 2017

This update adds support for the iPhone X. Thanks for your support and enjoy this update.

New features:

  • Phoenix II is now ready for the iPhone X!
  • A classic ship from Phoenix HD, the Shogun has returned! Its blades make short work of incoming invaders and the spectacular Blade Storm Aura is able to handle large formations swiftly.

Balance changes:

  • Laser Storm deals slightly more damage in slightly less time.
  • Increases strength of Phalanx Ultimate .

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes an issue where lasers blocked by Barrier or Personal Shield would still add a grazing energy bonus to the player.
  • EMP now destroys offscreen boomerang projectiles.
  • Haptic feedback is now enabled on iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus.
  • The mission cycle broke and changed to a simplified version which tied every location to a certain mission type, and reduced the cycle length from 12 to 6. The broken mission cycle lasted from this update until some time between v4.0.3 and v4.1 where a server side fix rolled out.
    1. Zhey Auna : Laser
    2. Arcology CQ-6 : Shuriken/MIRV
    3. Prometheus Array : General
    4. Ceres Major : General
    5. Blight, Sector[3,84] : General
    6. Gau Prime : Laser

Version 3.0.2

Released on October 14, 2017

Version 3.0.1

Released on October 14, 2017

A small bug fix update:

  • Fixes graphical glitches, especially on iPad Pros.
  • Improved visual effects for Armored & Shielded Invaders.

Stay tuned for our next content update coming soon!

  • Fixes a screenshot bug where pausing the game to take a screenshot and then saving it to device crashes the game.
  • Fixes a background tech thingy that will fix the community button which causes the community button for everyone to redirect to reddit, instead of their localised communities if they are available.

Version 3.0

Released on July 27, 2017

Welcome to the Phoenix II 1 year anniversary update. It has been a great first year, where you together played more than 120 million games in over 1 million unique missions! Thanks for your support and enjoy the update.

New features:

  • All Aura and Zen modes have an Ultimate Upgrade rank added. Each Ultimate Upgrade makes the ability more versatile or effective.
  • All main weapons now have an Ultimate Upgrade rank added to increase the damage one step further.
  • The entire ship interface has been re-designed to show detailed information about the weapons and abilities as you upgrade.
  • Reworked the weapon flavors. A Shield Breaker weapon is now highly effective to take down invader shields. Weapons with Armor Piercing deal full damage to Armored invaders. Finally, a weapon with High Impact has a chance to deal critical damage to Unprotected Invaders.
  • Three new ships have been added: Wraith, X-81 and Scuuxun. Each has a combination of abilities that has not been seen before.

Game engine upgrades:

  • Phoenix II now runs at an awesome 120 FPS on the new iPad Pro 10.5-inch and 12.9-inch. This makes the game super fluid and the controls even more responsive!
  • Renders with a Wide Color gamut on iPhone 7 and iPad Pros. Bullets are deeper reds and all effects are more vibrant.

Balance changes:

  • Invader lasers are now more effective on Barriers . Previously, they dealt as much damage as one single bullet.
  • Slightly increases damage of Vorpal Lance
  • Mega Laser and Mega Bomb now have charge time increase after they are used, like Personal Shield and Reflex EMP . This increased charge time returns back to normal charge time over some time.
  • Reduced Aurora's rate of fire. This effectively kicked Aurora out of Horsemen status.
  • The following ships had their weapon damage adjusted to match other ships with similar weapons: Proteus, Barret, 502-Q8, Heechi, Photurius, Wrackr.
  • Njörun weapon damage was lower than intended; This has been fixed.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes the issue where Chrono Field , Phalanx and Barrier would not work correctly when activated during a teleport .
  • The following ships have their weapon flavor changed:
Razor VI
Kada Veni




Version 2.5

Released on June 28, 2017

Phoenix II June update! This update is part of our monthly updates leading up to the 1 year anniversary of Phoenix II in July next month.

New Features:

  • Trinity from Phoenix HD has been added and features its own custom Trinity Teleport Zen.
  • Two brand new ships to collect and upgrade: Antioch and Uhb.

Balance Changes:

  • Personal Shield no longer uses energy. It is activated after a very short charging time. The shield expires after a while or if the ship starts moving. This change was made so the Personal Shield is more in line with other Zen Modes and can be combined with Counter based abilities.
  • Chrono Field now phases your ship out while inside the field. While phased out, your ship cannot be hit by bullets or lasers.

Other improvements:

  • Teleport has a new charging visual effect that indicates its progress.
  • Invaders have a few new weapons.

Bug fixes:

  • Claiming level up rewards is now possible on iOS 11 beta.

Stay tuned for our massive 3.0 update coming in July to celebrate the one year anniversary of Phoenix II.

Version 2.4

Released on May 30, 2017

Our May update is here! This update is part of our monthly updates leading up to the one year anniversary of Phoenix II in July.

New features:

  • A classic Phoenix HD ship has been added. The Corsair is armed with a Rocket Pod, a Missile Swarm and a Tracking Minigun .
  • The invaders have arrived at the old world of Ceres Major. Missions in this world will become available once everyone has updated.
  • From the community tab, we now link to external Phoenix II communities. If you have a community you would like to see added, contact us at the email phoenix2@firigames.com or through the social media.
  • Tapping outside the revive dialog now speeds up the countdown. Tap multiple times to go even faster to the score screen.

Stay tuned for our second last June update, and then our massive 3.0 update coming in July to celebrate the one year anniversary of Phoenix II.

Version 2.3

Released on April 27, 2017

Phoenix II April Update! This update is part of our monthly updates leading up to the one year anniversary of Phoenix II in July.

New features:

  • Phoenix Revives ! A Phoenix Revive can be used to restart a mission without having to replay it from the beginning. You will be placed at the start of the highest act that you have reached in that mission. Revives are obtained by playing missions and can be purchased at the shop.
  • Invaders have exciting new weapons!
  • Mission generation improved to create more varied missions.

Other Changes:

  • Improved the visuals of Mega Laser & Mega Bomb to indicate the time it takes to charge the weapon.
  • Improved the visuals of Energy Particles to make them more distinguishable.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the issue that made expanding a leaderboard impossible, even though more scores are on the leaderboard.
  • Fixed a problem that allowed you to accidentally play expired missions.
  • Added missing localization.

Stay tuned for our May update!

Version 2.2

Released on March 30, 2017

New Features:

  • 5 brand new ships (Orion, Exarch, Njörun, Boxer & Sonah) to collect and upgrade, bringing the total to 60 ships!
  • Leaderboards now show more of the top players and players near you. The white line separator can also tapped to show even more scores.

Balance Changes:

  • The weapon damage of NC-150, Tempest & Xaniea has been slightly increased from 31.25 to 34.375.

We will release a new content update every month leading up to the 1 year anniversary of Phoenix II on July 28th! We have awesome things planned so stay tuned!

Version 2.1.2

Released on March 15, 2017

A small bug fix update. Stay tuned for our big update coming at the end of the month!

Version 2.1.1

Released on March 2, 2017

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to become stuck in a time slowdown after activating a Zen Mode ability. Also increases the size of the Boomerangs to improve visibility. Boomerang hit circle size remains the same.

Version 2.1

Released on February 23, 2017

Thank you for your continued support and feedback. We have another great update for you!

New Features:

  • Five brand new ships (Saber, Valkyrie, Proteus, Yigothu & Torrent) to collect and upgrade.
  • New Zen Mode: Reflex EMP .
  • Three leagues even harder above S league: SS, SSS and SSSS. Enjoy!
  • A timer is shown after each wave to let you know if you are faster or slower than your current high score.
  • Invaders have new weapons at their disposal.

Balance Changes:

  • Energy cost of Vorpal Lance's Charge Counter has been decreased.
  • Chrono Field now deploys a field in which all bullets are slowed down. The duration of the field depends on the amount of energy used and the level of the ability. With this change, Chrono Field can now be combined with Zen Modes, creating a more interesting gameplay.
  • iPhone and iPad now have identical gameplay. The areas in which the player and the enemies can move are the same and new waves fly in with identical timings. The small invisible barriers to the sides on iPad and on the bottom and on top on iPhone have been adjusted to make these areas identical.

Other Changes:

  • Community missions now have an extra difficult 6th Act.
  • D and C League missions now have four Acts. All other daily missions still have five Acts.

Version 2.0.4

Released on January 31, 2017

Another update with some important bug fixes and improvements. Stay tuned for our big update coming in February.

  • Adds a specific tutorial for every Zen Mode. The tutorial is started when you unlock the first Zen Mode of each type.
  • Fixes a bug that caused ships with very fast firing weapons to do less damage than intended. Ships most affected by this fix are Dragonfly, Tillat'Or and Atlas.
  • Missile Swarm timeout now only lasts until all locked targets are gone, instead of waiting until every fired missile has been destroyed.

Version 2.0.3

Released on January 23, 2017

Fixes a bug that might cause lasers to do large amounts of damage.

Version 2.0.2

Released on January 18, 2017

A small update with some bug fixes and balance changes. Stay tuned for our upcoming big update!

Balance Changes:

  • Mega Laser beam width has been reduced.
  • Missile Swarm damage is now at its intended level. This change is already in effect for the past week, as it was caused by a configuration error that we fixed remotely. Missile Swarm visuals are also improved.
  • The time that your ship's weapons are disabled after deactivating Personal Shield has been greatly reduced.

Bug fixes and other changes:

  • Fixes a bug that could cause a crash when switching stages.
  • Fixes a bug that cause the wrong stage to be active after switching Firi accounts .
  • Improves performance on iPad Mini 4.

Version 2.0.1

Released on December 14, 2016

This small update fixes a few small bugs and adds missing in-game localization. It also restores Mega Laser to the original damage and charge times. It still destroys bullets in its path.

Version 2.0

Released on December 8, 2016

Phoenix II Mega 2.0 Update!

Get ready for our big 2.0 update. This update adds leagues, 10 new ships, new special abilities, balance changes and much more!

This update contains significant balance changes, especially around (offensive) special abilities. The goal of these changes is to make the abilities better in certain situations and worse in others. This prevents some abilities from always being the best and encourages players to find the right ship that matches the challenges of the mission.

New Features:

  • Leagues: It turns out that the daily missions were a bit too hard for some, while not challenging enough for others. To address this issue each pilot has now been placed in a league and each league has its own unique daily mission. Pilots who complete the daily mission are promoted to a higher league the next day. Higher leagues have more challenging daily missions and give better rewards. All pilots will start in the lowest D league.
  • New Ships and Special Abilities: 10 new ships (Vani-Vith, Zephyr, Baqlor, 502-Q8, Dragonfly, Hime, Hunter, Gladius, Lokie & Barret) to collect and explore. Each ship has its own unique weapon and at least one new special ability, such as the Chrono Field , Vorpal Lance and more.
  • XP Rewards: You now always gain Experience Points for destroying Invaders, even if your high score is not improved. XP is awarded directly after each game.
  • A great new music track has been added. You can switch tracks by toggling the music on and off.
  • Improved mission generation algorithms.
  • Invaders are now armed with new weaponry.
  • New world: The Prometheus Array. Missions on it will appear in a few days.
  • Haptic feedback support for iPhone 7.

Balance Changes:

  • Laser Storm no longer prevents the ship’s weapon from firing. Its duration and damage have been reduced.
  • Missile Swarm now launches more missiles and they are all fired at once. Damage has been reduced. This ended the supremacy of Missile Swarm ships over all other Auras .
  • Mega Laser firing duration has been reduced and it is no longer possible to move the beam. It deals the damage much more quickly and destroys all enemy bullets in its path.
  • Mega Bomb blast radius has been increased and its damage has been reduced. This makes the Mega Bomb better against large groups of smaller enemies and worse against large ships.
  • Barrier strength has been increased at lower levels.
  • Your ship’s weapons now keep firing while Point Defense is active.
  • Ships with spread weapons (such as Jn'Dur, Gorthaur, Arietis, Heechi) have their damage slightly increased.
  • Teleport Aura energy cost has been removed. Teleporting in quick succession will slowly increase the time it takes for the Teleport to charge.
  • Kappa Drive has been upgraded with a Power Generator and will now generate power particles over time as well as attract them.

Other Changes:

  • Mission debriefings are now shown directly after logging in. Here you also get to see if you are promoted to a higher league.
  • Ships receiving damage to their hull will now flash red when hit. Hitting enemy armor flashes yellow and hitting shields flash blue.

Version 1.1.3

Released on October 25, 2016

This update lays some groundwork for our big update coming this fall! Stay tuned.

Some visible changes in this update:

  • The ship detail interface now shows how many invaders you have destroyed with each ship! Share your highest number with us on Twitter @firigames or with #phoenix2.
  • The time is now always shown on the leaderboards below each score. The time is used as a tie-breaker when two scores are equal.
  • Kappa Drive lower levels have improved power particle attraction .

More balance changes will be coming in the future, but we will keep those for our big 2.0 update. If you enjoy Phoenix II, then please support us by leaving a review or a rating. We greatly appreciate it!

Version 1.1.2

Released on October 7, 2016

Some small improvements while we are working on a big content update coming this fall! Changes in this update:

  • Zhey Auna has become a bit more grey to improve bullet legibility.
  • Laser warnings and other game sounds can no longer be heard while in the menus.

Please support us by leaving a review or by rating Phoenix II. We greatly appreciate it!

Version 1.1.1

Released on September 22, 2016

This update adds the new world of Zhey Auna! It will take a few days for it to show up in the daily & community missions, as everyone must get this update first.

Stay tuned for a lot more great content updates coming this year!

Please support us by leaving a review or by rating Phoenix II. We greatly appreciate it!

Version 1.1.0

Released on September 14, 2016

A big update for iOS 10!

New features:

  • Phoenix II now supports ReplayKit Live, which is new in iOS 10! This allows you to broadcast your game to streaming services that support ReplayKit Live. To start a broadcast, hit the camera icon in the top middle on the play tab and follow the instructions. Broadcasting is only available on iPhone 6S and iPhone 7, because it is quite demanding. iPad support will be coming soon.
  • You can now preview a ship by tapping the 'Preview' button in the ship detail. The preview shows the ship firing its weapons on some dummy enemies. Use it to find your next favorite ship!

Visual changes:

  • All Auras have been adjusted so they are clear in the center. This helps to focus on dodging the bullets around your ship.
  • A small effect is now shown when you successfully graze a bullet. Each grazed bullet gives you some extra energy! Grazing lasers also gives energy, but no effect is shown yet.
  • The visual effect when the Kappa Drive is active is much more pronounced.
  • Essin got a shiny new paint job.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes a bug where the Laser Storm ability would sometimes not fire on locked targets.
  • Fixes a bug that could cause enemies & turrets to become invisible under certain circumstances.
  • Fixes a crash that could occur when switching back and forth between stages quickly.

Please support us by leaving a review or by rating Phoenix II. We greatly appreciate it!

Version 1.0.6

Released on August 24, 2016

A brand new update, with quite a few changes:

  • Receiving a duplicate ship from the Warp Gate will now award credits, depending on the rarity of the ship.
  • Removes a timeout value that prevented the Mega Laser and Mega Bomb to start charging if you lifted your finger to early from the screen after a previous activation.
  • Both Missile Swarm and Laser Storm will not continue firing on targets when a target leaves the Aura.
  • Completely removes the screenshake of Veil and Ex04239 weapon impacts.
  • Slight visual changes to Ex04239 and Xaniea to improve visibility of the reactor.
  • Reduces reload time of the Havoc’s main weapon .
  • Potentially improved performance by reducing CPU use when playing sound effects. This should be more noticeable on older devices.

Balance changes:

  • Missile Swarm has new visuals and does slightly less damage.
  • Laser Storm Laser Moons now switch between targets faster. The lower upgrade levels have slightly larger range as well.
  • Very slightly reduces the damage of ships with instantly aiming laser weapons, such as Trireme, Proxymar and Oran.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a crash that could occur at the end of the Prologue or Intermission, or when switching between stages.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a call or other full screen interruption came in while Phoenix II was active.

Please support us by leaving a review or rating Phoenix II. We greatly appreciate it!

Version 1.0.5

Released on August 14, 2016

A few bug fixes in this update:

  • Fixes a problem that caused performance to degrade when playing a single stage for a long time.
  • Fixes a problem where ranks #11 to #16 did not show up when viewing a leaderboard.
  • Fixes an issue that would cause your badges to not show up in the mission results screen. This would happen if you got 4 or more badges for that mission.

Please support us by leaving a review or rating Phoenix II. We greatly appreciate it!

Version 1.0.4

Released on August 6, 2016

Another small update with a some important crash fixes and a few little tweaks and balances:

  • Fixes crash on the score screen for players that play in Portuguese.
  • The leaderboard now shows the correct amount of scores above your high score, and also shows the separator again between the top scores and scores around you.
  • The share high score image now has the proper high resolution you expect.

Balance changes:

  • Slightly reduces weapon damage of ships with instantly aiming laser weapons, such as Trireme, Proxymar & Oran.
  • Decreases energy cost of Personal Shield on lower upgrade levels. Higher levels are unaffected.
  • Decreases energy cost of Teleport on lower upgrade levels. Higher levels are unaffected.

Other changes:

  • ReplayKit recordings are now only available on devices with an A9 processor or above. The recordings would lag the game on devices with slower processors.

10 million scores have already been set since the release! Please support us by leaving a review if you enjoy Phoenix II.

Version 1.0.3

Released on July 30, 2016

Thank you all for the wonderful response to Phoenix II. This update is a small balance update. We have a lot planned for this game in the future so stay tuned.


If you enjoy playing Phoenix II, please support us by leaving a review.

Version 1.0.2

Released on July 27, 2016

A lot of improvements in this version:

  • Communities! Create your own community to get extra missions, unique for your community! Invite your friends and compete on your community leaderboard.
  • Zen Mode tutorial. When you unlock your first Zen Mode ability, there is a short intermission to learn about Zen Mode. If you already have unlocked a Zen Mode, then you can replay it back from the 'info' button on the pilot tab.
  • More enemy weapons and new firing patterns.
  • Lots of polishing and a few bug fixes.
  • This version is the first global release. Versions before this update were soft launches which were only available to people in the Netherlands and Singapore.

Version 1.0.1

Released on July 19, 2016

  • Balance changes to ship special abilities:
    • Reduced Mega Laser DPS on higher levels
    • Increased Mega Bomb Radius on higher levels
    • Higher energy cost for Teleport in initial levels
    • Barrier absorbs more bullets on higher levels
    • Increased energy cost for Personal Shield
    • Reduced Stun EMP stun time on higher levels
  • Updates ship names
  • Stage generation improvements
  • Ship reactor indicator improvements
  • Fixes bug where upgraded ship would get the wrong damage type
  • Fixes bug where upgraded ship would not be correctly set in the UI
  • Other small changes

Version 1.0

Released on July 16, 2016

Initial Release